Happy 9th birthday Second Life!

SL9B - Black Rose _ Negen_002
Photo by Caitlin Tobias

I was lucky enough to have my exhibitor application accepted for the SL9B celebration! This is my first time as an exhibitor. You can find me on the DreamSeeker Negen sim. (SLURL)

SL9B - Black Rose _ Negen_001
Photo by Caitlin Tobias

Photo by Eve Kazan

The birthday celebration brings out the best in Second Life. Sim owners donate sims. Organizers take on the gargantuan task of laying out sims, dividing parcels, filtering applications from exhibitors, and scheduling everything! Assistants come forward as volunteers to assist exhibitors and builders. Greeters and stage managers are trained. Djs are hired. Presenters and speakers are organized. And as you can see in the photos above, photographers come out and take amazing pictures! The birthday has called upon all of the skills of Second Life residents.

As Saffia Widdershins pointed out in her keynote speech at the opening of the celebration, “This is not Linden Lab’s birthday. It is OUR birthday.” If you missed her speech and the dance of the tinies, you can watch a video of it here.

To my friends in Second Life, and to all residents of Second Life, happy birthday!

To all of the organizers, volunteers and sponsors, a big thank you for making it all happen!

Look around the fountain for the crossed roses and click on them to get your birthday gifts!

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