Black Rose Round Shield

Get it on the marketplace!

Full permissions subject to User License:

By purchasing this item you agree to:

* Change permissions to no transfer for the next user;
* not give away or resell this product alone;
* not sell or give away this product as part of a larger package of components;
* not resell this product under a different brand or product name, claiming it as your own creation.

Black Rose Blacksmith

Get it on the marketplace!

– Two animations: Hammering and talking;
– Sparks fly and hammering sound when hammering;
– Scripted to tell 6 blacksmith jokes randomly on touch;
– The script is modifiable so you can change what he says;
– Advanced instructions in the script regarding link messages to activate the work or talk animation.

Naughty Christmas Wishes

It is that time of year once again! If you like to decorate with an, um, edge, this is just the thing for you! Click on the globe to shake things up.

Warning: The snow may not fly but you will get shaken up by this naughty snowman. Adult animations are involved. Enjoy!

Black Rose/Good Mojo 32 Man Tournament & Prize Boards

Maverick Schism, owner of Good Mojo, and I have collaborated on a few projects now and continue to work together. Our 16 man tournament board has proven to be a popular item, and we were often asked if we had a 32 man version of the board available.

We are pleased to release a 32 Man Tournament and Prize Board.

– up to 32 entrants
– boards designed to handle byes in fairest way possible
– board rezzed for the correct number of entrants from 8 to 32 (less than 8 on 8 man board)
– board can be reopened after closing without entrants having to re-enter
– admins can easily remove entrants or add entrants by name
– admins configured easily by notecard

Prize boards can be rezzed to display sponsors and calculate prize break down for one prize, two prizes (60/40), or three prizes (50/30/20).

Hunting System

If you are wondering why I have not put out anything new for a little while, it is because Maverick and I are hard at work on a hunting system. It is a large project. The animals are sculpted, animated and move about, with animations for various states such as idle, walking, running, attack, sleeping and dying. The system will give you experience points, which move you up in level. There will be reward items given at various levels, and there will be occasional loot dropped by animals you kill as well. Here is a sneak peek at some of the animals. We are working towards a goal release date in the early fall.

Miscellaneous Gadgets

In addition to making clothing, I make miscellaneous scripted gadgetry. Recently I have been collaborating with Maverick Schism whose store name is Good Mojo. Whenever you see the two logos together, Black Rose and Good Mojo, you will know that two minds have meshed to create that product. Here are some of the gadgets produced by myself and with Maverick. Check out my main store in world to see more.

25L Tuesday Bell Specials

For this round of 25L Tuesday, I decided to put out my sim alarm bell and gate bell. Both bells are modify and copy, but no transfer.

Put out as many sim alarm bells as you wish. When you touch one, it sends an to all the other alarm bells anywhere on the sim, causing them to play a bell ringing sound and announce who rang the alarm bells. (Note: it does not work across sim borders.)

When a visitor touches the gate bell, it plays a bell ringing sound and shouts up to a 96 meter range, announcing the name of the visitor at the gate who rang the bell.

These bells normally sell for 150L each, but for today only, 25L!